How to safely re-use black water for the garden

Let´s re-utilize our waste water! Safely!

This blog will focus on the solution to reduce water use and to feed our soil with wonderful plant-based biology.

How does it work?

We will explain the two- step method on how you can treat your waste water and use it as potent fertilizer in a very simple way, using QCE5® for organic residues

Like many homes on the island, water from domestic activities is collected in a collection tank. In this tank we find various components derived from cooking, the use of the bathroom and other sources that are connected to the tank.

Islands have limited space, so treating water locally is preferred.

In the tank pathogens are abundant and therefore the water is dangerously polluted with E-coli and Listeria. To name a few.

Untreated black water has an unpleasant odor and is not suitable for gardening and should be collected by a professional collection service.

Transforming this black water in usable water for the garden will be a welcoming addition to our sutainability goals, our wallet* and soil health.

So, how to treat black water?

Here is how:

By adding our certified pathogen-free,100% non-toxic probiotic water treatment, QCE5® for organic residues to your tank.

The carefully selected, 100% plant-based, aerobic bacteria clean water by breaking down organic fats, pathogens like E-Coli, starch, sugar, protein and urine into pure water and carbon dioxide.  This process reduces smells and makes the water suitable for digestion by plants. The water contains powerful soil bacteria which bring life to your soil, creating humus for your plants.

It´s 100% organic!

The use is simple and divided into two steps and works with any sceptic tank without any mechanical adjustments.

Step 1: If your tank is 7000 liter big, the first step is to add 7 liter of our probiotic waste water cleaning product to the tank.

You can add the liquid via a drain or flush it through the toilet.

This step ensures the culture will be strong enough to break down your household water.

Step 2: is to add 100 ml of our probiotic waste water cleaner for every 1000 liter of water extracted from the tank.

This way we keep the culture at maximum strength.

And that´s it!

Your blackwater is properly treated. 

Not only can you safely use this water for the garden, but this proces also adds life giving, aerobic bacteria to your garden that create hummus. Which means:

More fruit and better taste by utilizing bacteria for the garden.

  • Healthy soil

  • More fruit and better taste

  • Heal your plants from parasite, fungus and disease

  • Reducing water use

  • pH stability of the soil

  • Reduce fertilizer use

  • Its safer for surrounding water

  • 100% organic gardening

To know more of what bacteria can do for your garden. Read this article.

From food to waste to food. 100% organic! 

*Running costs starting at €1,70 per 1000 liter of waste water.

Ronny Janmaat



The relationship between bacteria and plants