Cleaning industrial waste with bacteria

Recently we worked on two projects at industrial plants around Europe to treat the waste water with our QCE5 Spore Technology®. The treated waste water consists of two types of waste that are very common in industrial situations or cities.

For these two projects we used our products: QCE5® for hydrocarbons and QCE5® for organic residues.

The consortia of bacteria in these products are carefully selected to focus on the type of waste that needs to be treated. The bacteria are highly concentrated and work together effectively. Protecting each other, processing different parts of the waste together and transforming this in H2O and CO2.

The projects were very different in set up and the waste was divided into two groups:

  1. Hydrocarbons and derivatives

  2. Organic compounds

Below you can see part of the results we achieved. The rest of these results you can find in our research section here and here.

The results:

  1. Hydrocarbons and derivatives (phenols)


2. Organic compounds

In the graph you can see that the results are proving the positive results QCE5 Spore Technology® has on waste water. Reducing the amounts of toxins drastically.

Check out the full research here and here.

Ronny Janmaat



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